Health claims, the EFSA and Sunday Times.

I rarely read the mainstream Sunday papers as I find that they are a little too rich in fluff for my liking. However I did flick through the Sunday Times yesterday and came across a story that suggested that health claims made about food were being rejected by the European Food Standards Agency ( EFSA). The piece was written using the sort of language that one might associate with a tabloid rather than a broadsheet – words like ‘bamboozled’, ‘exposed’ and ‘purport’ were used which implies that the manufacturers are trying to pull a fast one on a trusting and innocent consumer and the EFSA are protecting us like See the article here –

Health claims of all descriptions are tightly governed and monitored. Shane Starling of has written an excellent piece on their website – I can’t improve on what he has to say so read it here –

As a consumer and food manufacturer I am entirely confident that the FSA in this country and EFSA reject claims that are spurious, but rightly accept claims that aren’t and so I trust them to get it right, without the sensational headlines that Sunday newspapers thrive on.

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